Definition: A compound that, on administration, must undergo chemical conversion by metabolic processes before becoming the pharmacologically active drug for which it is a prodrug.
"a cpd that on admin must undergo chem conversion by metab processes before becoming the pharmacologically active drug for which it is a prodrug"; D25-26 qualif; coord IM with specific drug (IM)
Other names Drug Precursors; Pro Drugs; Precursors, Drug; Pro-Drugs
Ann Med Psychol (Paris) 2(4):642;1976; C R Soc Biol (Paris) 1979;173(4):979; Cur Ther Res 20(2):177;1976; Farmakol Toksikol 38(4):393;1975; Pol Tyg Lek 32(44):1725;1977; Psychiatr Pol 10(5):479;1976; Vrach Delo 1980;(1):93