Definition: An autosomal dominant disorder of tooth development characterized by opalescent dentin resulting in discoloration of the teeth. The dentin develops poorly with low mineral content while the pulp canal is obliterated.
a dentin abnorm; do not use /congen & do not coord with INFANT, NEWBORN, DISEASES
See AlsoOsteogenesis Imperfecta
Other names Hereditary Opalescent Dentin; Opalescent Dentins, Hereditary; Opalescent Dentin, Hereditary; Imperfectas, Dentinogenesis; Imperfecta, Dentinogenesis; Hereditary Opalescent Dentins; Dentinogenesis Imperfectas; Opalescent Teeth without Osteogenesis Imperfecta; Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, Shields Type 2; Dentinogenesis Imperfecta without Osteogenesis Imp