Medical Concepts
 Wounds and Injuries
 Abdominal Injuries
 Amputation, Traumatic
 Arm Injuries
 Athletic Injuries
 Back Injuries
 Birth Injuries
 Bites and Stings
 Contrecoup Injury
 Craniocerebral Trauma
 Electric Injuries
 Esophageal Perforation
 Extravasation of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Materials
 Foreign Bodies
 Fractures, Bone
 Fractures, Cartilage
 Hand Injuries
 Heat Stress Disorders
 Hip Injuries
 Leg Injuries
 Multiple Trauma
 Nasal Septal Perforation
 Neck Injuries
 Occupational Injuries
 Radiation Injuries
 Self Mutilation
 Shock, Traumatic
 Soft Tissue Injuries
 Spinal Cord Injuries
 Spinal Injuries
 Sprains and Strains
 Tendon Injuries
 Thoracic Injuries
 Tooth Injuries
 Trauma, Nervous System
 Cerebrovascular Trauma
 Craniocerebral Trauma
 Peripheral Nerve Injuries
 Tympanic Membrane Perforation
 Vascular System Injuries
 Wound Infection
 Wounds, Nonpenetrating
 Wounds, Penetrating

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