Definition: Gas lasers with excited dimers (i.e., excimers) as the active medium. The most commonly used are rare gas monohalides (e.g., argon fluoride, xenon chloride). Their principal emission wavelengths are in the ultraviolet range and depend on the monohalide used (e.g., 193 nm for ArF, 308 nm for Xe Cl). These lasers are operated in pulsed and Q-switched modes and used in photoablative decomposition involving actual removal of tissue. (UMDNS, 2005)
/ther use: coordinate IM with disease /surg (IM), but for low-level laser therapy coordinate / ther use IM with disease /radiother (IM) + LASER THERAPY, LOW-LEVEL (IM)
See AlsoPhotorefractive Keratectomy