Definition: An order of fish with eight families and numerous species of both egg-laying and livebearing fish. Families include Cyprinodontidae (egg-laying KILLIFISHES;), FUNDULIDAEl; (topminnows), Goodeidae (Mexican livebearers), Jenynsiidae (jenynsiids), Poeciliidae (livebearers), Profundulidae (Middle American killifishes), Aplocheilidae, and Rivulidae (rivulines). In the family Poeciliidae, the guppy and molly belong to the genus POECILIA.
GEN; prefer specifics; do not confuse with CYPRINIDAE or CYPRINIFORMES or CYPRINODON see KILLIFISHES
ExamplesFundulidae; Killifishes; Poecilia
Other names Xiphophorus; Platyfish; Mosquito Fish; Gambusia; Gambusias; Fish, Mosquito